Applications are now open for the UK/Viet Nam Collaboration grants worth up to £20,000 per partnership. We are looking for innovative partnerships and co-created projects that reflect on our past, our present, and our future relationship. 

Who can apply?

The grants are open to arts and cultural organisations, and higher education and research organisations, including ELT and EdTech providers and education agents. Project proposals should be collaboratively developed and delivered by at least one UK-based organisation and at least one organisation based in Viet Nam. 

What are we looking for?

We are inviting UK and Vietnamese partners to put forward joint proposals for compelling activities and events to be delivered in Viet Nam and/or the UK during the Season (June-December 2023).

Projects should reflect on our past, present, and future bilateral relationship through the Season’s themes: ‘Climate and the Environment' and ‘Shared Heritage’. Find more information in our 'Open Call' document. 

Applications for UK/Viet Nam Collaboration grants will close on 13 November 2022 (17:00 GMT).

Apply now

Find more about applying for a grant

Who can apply?

Project proposals should be collaboratively developed and delivered by at least one UK-based organisation and at least one organisation based in Viet Nam. 

All the grants are open to arts and cultural organisations, as well as higher education and research organisations, including ELT and EdTech providers and education agents. 

An ‘organisation’ is defined as a legally registered entity with a registered bank account, and can include collectives, consortia, and community, charity, private and public organisations.

Proposals by unregistered entities such as artist collectives or non-formal education professional networks might be considered if accompanied with evidence of a strong track record in developing and delivering projects and programmes of similar scale and nature. 

What funding is available?

  • UK to Viet Nam Scoping Grant for Arts and Creative Industries
    Travel period: November 2022 – February 2023
    Up to £2,500 grant
    To support travel related costs for representatives of UK organisations in the arts and creative industries to undertake scoping visits to Viet Nam to meet potential or existing Vietnamese partners.
  • UK/Viet Nam Collaboration Grants for Arts and Creative Industries
    (Round 1)
    Up to £10,000 grant
    Up to £20,000 grant
    To support the UK-VN creative collaboration presented during the Season period. We welcome cross artform projects, projects with themes relevant to the creative economy, projects linked with festival and art in the public realm, and cross-disciplinary projects (i.e., combining art, science, technology, education).
    Please note: Arts and Creative Industries - Round 2 will be launched December 2022. 
  • UK/Viet Nam Collaboration Grants for English Language
    Up to £20,000 grant
    Suggested project types could be in basic education, higher education and/or TVET (technical and vocational education and training) and cover research, policy dialogue, capacity building and/or digital innovation. 
  • UK/Viet Nam Collaboration Grants for Education
    Up to £20,000 grant
    Suggested project types include:Digital teaching and learning skills, Innovative learning platforms, Open learning resources, Joint training programme on emerging cross disciplinary and cross sector subjects, Graduate employability and mobility, University – Industry links, Capacity building for academics and researchers, Researcher links development, Joint research on global shared and emerging community challenges, Science communication, Capacity building for Education agents in student-facing culture activities. 

What are the assessment criteria?

Your project proposal will be assessed across the three following areas, which are also clearly marked in the application form to help you prepare your proposal. 

  • Aim, thematic, and viability: 40%
    Does the project proposal support the aim of the Season in elevating UK – Viet Nam bilateral relationship? Is it of a high quality and achievable? 
    Evidence that the project is supporting the aim of the Season 
    Evidence of focus on the thematic areas 
    Evidence of viability of project: achievable objective(s), clear activity outline and expected result(s), feasible timescale and budget plan, demonstrable ability of partners to deliver, and proven track records
  • Partnership, contribution, and legacy: 30%
    Does the project support UK and Vietnamese organisations to strengthen and further develop their partnership? Does it deliver benefit to individuals both from the UK and in Viet Nam? 
    Evidence of sound effective and mutual partnership 
    Evidence of developed discussions between UK and Vietnamese partners 
    Evidence of benefit to individual artists, arts and heritage practitioners/organisatons, academics, researchers, education professionals, and English language professionals and practitioners from the UK and in Viet Nam
    Evidence of how the partnership will be sustained and developed beyond the proposed project. 
  • Innovation, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and sustainability: 30%
    Does your project approach encourage new and creative ways of doing things? Does it consider equality, diversity, inclusion, and sustainability?
    Evidence of innovation 
    Evidence of consideration to gender equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) issues as well as measures to address these issues in proposed activities
    Evidence of how projects are reducing their carbon footprint as well as measures to address this issue in proposed activities

What types of projects will be supported?

  • Thought-provoking public engagement events that will appeal to general audiences, such as conferences, symposia; panel discussions; talks; workshops; interactive installations; artistic performances;  exhibitions and student facing culture events. 
  • Interactive activities which will attract and inspire younger audiences through innovative use of digital technologies and ICT, such as Augmented augmented reality (AR) or Virtual virtual reality (VR).
  • Specialised events which bring together partners from the UK and Viet Nam across our three pillars: Arts and Culture, Education and English language –– with a strong focus on professional development and network building for artists, arts and heritage practitioners / organisations, academics, educators researchers, and English language professionals and practitioners and which may result in ongoing partnerships. 
  • Ideation events that seed new collaborative and creative research projects,  bringing together partners from the UK and Viet Nam.
  • Proposals must demonstrate excellence across at least one of the thematic areas: Climate and the Environment, or Shared Heritage. We welcome proposals from any artform or academic discipline and we are interested to receive joint projects which are interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or cross-disciplinary projects (i.e. combining art, science, technology, education).
  • Our cross-cutting themes of gender, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), equitable access (via digital and/or education technologies) and innovation, should be addressed and embedded in all proposals.
  • Proposals can be for face-to-face or digital and/or an innovative combination of the two. 
  • All or part of the event/activity must be presented in the UK and/or Viet Nam between June 2023 to December 2023 as part of the Season celebration.


  • Open Call launched: October 2022
  • Information Session: 18 October 2022
  • UK to Viet Nam Scoping Grant for Arts and Creative Industries close: 21 October 2022 (17:00 GMT). 
  • Open Call closes: 13 November 2022 (17:00 GMT)
  • Successful projects notified: 28 November 2022 
  • Public-facing activities for projects: June 2023 – December 2023
  • Round 2 Arts and Creative Industries grants open: December

Resources and Frequently Asked Questions 

Find more information, resources about working in Viet Nam, and an Information Session about the Collaboration Grants on our Frequently asked questions (FAQs) page.

If you have any problems with the application, please contact