Applications are now open for the UK/Viet Nam Collaboration Grants Round 2. We are looking for innovative partnerships and co-created projects that reflect on our past, our present, and our future relationship. This is a unique opportunity for Vietnamese and UK organisations in the arts and creative industries to co-create work for the UK/Viet Nam Season 2023.  

• UK/Viet Nam Collaboration Grants worth up to £50,000 per partnership are available.

• Collaboration Grant applications close on 5 February 2023 (23:59 UK time).

 Apply now 

This page will be updated with answers to frequently asked questions. Please see downloadable file below.

UK/Viet Nam Information Session 

How much can I apply for?

There are three grant sizes you can apply for:
Up to £10,000 grant 
Up to £30,000 grant 
Up to £50,000 grant

When do the projects need to take place?

Projects can take place between April and December 2023 with public-facing activities and presentation of project outputs to take place between June and December 2023.

Can I develop a proposal across multiple sectors?

Yes. We welcome proposals for cross-sectoral projects (i.e., education, English and arts and creative industries), as long as the focus is on the arts and creative industries. 
We would advise you to consider the selection criteria carefully, particularly in outlining the linkages between sectors to demonstrate that your project proposal is of a high quality and achievable.

Can I apply as an individual?

Applications can only be accepted from organisations and not individuals. However, projects awarded with grant funding are expected to deliver benefit to individual artists, creatives, academics and researchers both from the UK and Viet Nam.

Who will assess the applications?

Applications will be assessed by a team of British Council programme managers and sector specialists from the arts and creative industries. 
All applications will be treated confidentially. 

Can I apply without a partner?

As the grant programme is designed to foster UK – Viet Nam partnerships, all applications must include at least one partner based in the UK, and one partner based in Viet Nam.

Has your question been answered?

Please check the FAQs document at the bottom of this page, we are regularly updating all enquiries so check back to see if your question has been answered.  
If you still need help, please email to


Find more information and resources about working in Viet Nam. 

Arts and creative industries


Education resources

If you have any problem with the application, please contact