Draft for consultation
The British Council in collaboration with the Vietnam National Institute of Arts and Culture Studies (VICAS) initiate this research programme as a response to the need of creative hubs in Vietnam to better understand the regulatory framework that governs their formulation and operation. This review is the first step of compiling government policies to inform the work of owners, managers, curators, and producers from creative hubs. It provides a basis for further consultations with members of the creative hub community and the government in the second half of 2017. Based on these consultations, the final report of the programme will give an analysis on aspects of the current regulatory framework that work or do not work for the potential growth and sustainability of creative hubs. From there, it will propose recommendations on how the current regulatory framework for creative hubs can be improved in order to boost their contribution to the creative economy and to the country's social and cultural development, and to support the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Cultural Industries to 2020, vision 2030. The consultations will also lay a foundation for the British Council and VICAS to design and organise further policy dialogues between the creative hub community and the government.
You will find in this review references to many legal documents such as laws, decisions, decrees, and circulars by the government of Vietnam. We recommend you use the electronic version of this report to have easy access to these documents online. You can either download the electronic version from our website, or request a copy by emailing vnarts@britishcouncil.org.vn
We welcome your comments, feedback, and questions by email to: vnarts@britishcouncil.org.vn