The British Council will celebrate the Customer Service Week from 2 October to 8 October 2017 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. There will be various events and activities which are open to both our existing students and members of the public. Dial 1800 1299 or contact our Customer Seivice for free registration.

Event schedule

In Hanoi:

Date Time Activity Venue Note
20 September to 8 October  

Art competition 'Creating a lantern to celebrate the Full Moon Festival'

Impressive entries will be displayed in the library area during Customer Service Week.

British Council 20 Thuy Khue and British Council - Fourth floor of Brendon Primary School, N2F Le Van Luong Street For existing primary and secondary learners

2 October

09.00– 10.30 A class on developing IELTS speaking British Council 20 Thuy Khue For all customers
3 October 14.00–15.00

Special myClub session focussed on self-study will answer the question 'What can students do to improve their English at home?'

British Council 20 Thuy Khue  For myClass and IELTS students
4 October 09.15–10.15

Special myClub session focussed on self-study will answer the question 'What can students do to improve their English at home?'

British Council 20 Thuy Khue For myClass and IELTS students
6 October 14.00–15.30 A class on developing IELTS writing British Council 20 Thuy Khue For all customers
6 October 18.00–19.30 Parent talk 'Study and student life in the UK' British Council - Fourth floor of Brendon Primary School, N2F Le Van Luong Street For all customers

In Ho Chi Minh City: 

Date Time Activity Venue Note
3 October  09.00–10.30

Master IELTS Writing class

British Council 25 Le Duan For all customers

5 October

 09.00–10.30 Master IELTS Speaking class British Council 25 Le Duan For all customers

Students will receive a IELTS gift when registering for an IELTS test in this week.